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Flood Warning for Areas Around Lake Conway


The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission is expecting Lake Conway to exceed the flood stage of 266 feet by Wednesday, June 5th. Historic flooding of the Arkansas River is pushing water up Palarm Creek and back over the Lake Conway spillway into the lake. Given the lake’s current rate of rise, residential flooding around Lake Conway is eminent. Property that has flooded in the past ten years is at the greatest risk for flooding.

The lake will continue rising past Wednesday, further increasing the number of homes impacted around the lake. Additional rainfall forecast for the end of this week will contribute to additional flooding around the lake.

Locations that will experience flooding include areas along Lake Conway. This includes portions of Mayflower, Saltillo and the southeast part of Conway along the lake.


Beaverfork Fire Department, 4 Beaverfork Road 
Hwy 286 E Fire Station, 268 Hwy 286 East. 
Saltillo Fire Station, Adams Lake and Clinton Road
Lawrence Landing Road at Lawrence Landing Circle Boat Launch
Intersection of Palarm Creek Road and Alf Lane
Paradise Landing
Mayflower City Hall, 2 Ashmore Dr. 
Lewis Crossing, 1292 E. Dave Ward Drive behind Crain Kia
Shale Pit at Foothill Drive and Mountain Air Drive
Old boat dock on Brannon’s Landing
Greenlake Road off Clinton Road near the Shooting Range
The old bait shop at Caney Creek Road and Thomas Lane